Legacy brands no longer have the same advantages of novelty and momentum they once enjoyed; today they are being undermined by younger, fast moving challenger brands. So what is a brand to do when consumers and culture move on, rendering your brand less relevant?
You did the heavy lifting to optimize your chances of going viral, stuck with it, and now your content is resonating with your audience. Let’s talk about the follow up strategy that needs to be on your radar.
Putting your podcast out there is a major first step—not to mention a great accomplishment. But word of mouth alone will only get you so far. To get your podcast in the ears of more listeners, you have to take the necessary steps to reach them.
Sure, the young and the old are always going to roll their eyes at each other, but don’t underestimate Gen Z’s boldness; It just might bring out the best in you.
It’s not easy to know which social media trends to get in on and which you should let pass by. Here’s a framework to sniffing out what could take your brand viral.